We are excited to announce that we have recently added support for Mandrill sending to SendPress Pro. It may surprise you to know that Mandrill powers MailChimp sending but you don’t need a MailChimp account to use it. Enter SendPress Pro!

Once you activate Mandrill from the pro tab, there will be new options added under Sending Account, including Mandrill SMTP Sending and Mandrill API Sending (See Below).


We strongly recommend the API option over SMTP sending. API sending always send faster than regular SMTP sending. It also ensures that your hosting provider cannot interfere or limit how many messages you can send. Many times, hosting providers will block ports or limit the number of messages that can be sent per day or per hour via SMTP.

Best of all, Mandrill offers 12,000 emails per month for free and costs only $.20 per thousand messages thereafter. They give you all the bells and whistles that you would expect from an enterprise sending platform with the added benefit that you can use SendPress Pro from your self hosted WordPress site to send directly through them.

SendPress Pro costs $99. Learn more about all the features and try our Free version to see how we can help you send great looking e-mail newsletters from WordPress.

Published by doug


  1. Last time I looked into mandrill, it was strictly limited to only transactional classed email (which excludes emails for newsletters, promotions etc). Had that changed?

    • It is absolutely fine to use mandrill for newsletters and promotions. Mandrill powers mail chimp and has a very good reputation for e-mail sending.

  2. Hello, as I read straight from Mandrill website, it said as clearly as |Note: At this time, it’s not possible to send MailChimp campaigns through Mandrill.” Please explain further as I am very interested in buying the Pro version. If what you said about Mandrill correct, so it meant I dont need MailChimp account anymore? Thanks!

    • They just mean that when you use mail chimp you can’t send through Mandrill. With SendPress you can completely replace mail chimp and send through Mandrill if you want to right from your WordPress site. Hope that helps.


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